I believe in love at first sight. Now I know soulmates exist. Nothing has ever been easy for us. Every fight, every struggle, has been worth it. I’m stubborn, but what woman isn’t? She’s hard work and I love the overtime. He’s frustrating and unpredictable. I hope he never changes. I love driving her crazy. That’s half the fun. Lou’s sexy curls. Honeybee’s pink nose. He still looks at me like I’m precious and unflawed. She treats me like I’m the center of her world. Our future will be full of happiness. Despite everything, we’re two of the lucky ones. I took the bait. She was a lucky catch. He is the wind in my sail. She’s the anchor that grounds me. The wake our love made is beautiful. Every day I thank God for her. No matter the hurdles, we’ve jumped them side-by-side. No matter the obstacles, we’ve made it through together. For better or for worse, I’d do it again. I’ll love and protect her all the days of my life. We made it. We always will Five Star Review by Ashley After M. Mabie left my heart in my stomach with the way she ended Sail, it seemed I was waiting forever, when in reality in was only a couple of months, for Anchor to release. Yes, you need to read the other books in this series and in order. Otherwise you won't be able to follow along or enjoy the journey Casey and Blake have been on (even though at times it was agonizing). Thankfully, this book picks up right where the last one left off so there is no guessing or wondering what will happen. Oh, my heart is so full after reading the much anticipated conclusion to the Wake series. This was so much more than I ever imagined it would have been. I don't really know what I can say about this series, let alone this book that I haven't already but I will surely try. If I didn't already adore both Casey and Blake for their kindness and the way they loved- wholeheartedly, boldly, unapologetically and unconditionally then this would've sealed the deal. Their zest of life and the joy they found in the little things showed just how connected they were. Their thoughts, feelings and words almost always in sync with the others. I loved watching them blossom individually as their love continued to deepen and grow with everything life threw their way. Casey stole the show in this one though. His calm in the eye of the storm that was brewing with Grant. He was Blake's home and safe place, truly her anchor. As she was his. They grounded and lifted each other up- with their actions and words. Their happiness and joy radiated off of them and shone on everyone around them. They built the life they had been working for all along. And that proposal and wedding (look at the cover, of course there is a wedding) couldn't have been more perfectly Casey and Blake. All of the details, the dress, his tux and hair, their vows. Oh their vows- what a wonderfully, well rounded way to bring back all the memories from the good times, and some of the bad, that got them to that point. In true Casey and Blake fashion, there were a few surprises thrown into the mix. None bigger than the one Blake had for her husband. I can not stress enough how beautiful this book and the series as a whole was. The writing was flawless and poetic and put me right in the moment with the characters. I felt their pain, their anger, their joy, their fear, their hope and most of all, their love. M. Mabie took all the turmoil and suffering and turned it into a wonderful love that beat the odds and will withstood all the troubles. After all, Lou likes trouble. Anchor had it all- sexy and uber- swoony Casey and Betty making the best kind of trouble. It was all blended with sweetness, laughter, charm and wit. This book truly was a perfect way to end the Casey and Blake saga (though their love story is far from over- it transcends time). And while I'm sad that their story is complete (because I love them- BIG TIME) I am so glad they finally, and I do mean finally made it. Series links Bait... Wake, #1 FREE everywhere! #LIMITEDTIME Amazon Kindle http://amzn.to/1Kd2vWm iTunes http://bit.ly/baititunes NOOK http://bit.ly/BaitNook Kobo http://bit.ly/BaitKobo Sail... Wake, #2 Amazon Kindle http://amzn.to/1OtDglR iTunes http://bit.ly/sailitunes NOOK http://bit.ly/SailNook Kobo http://bit.ly/SailKobo Anchor...Wake, #3 Amazon US http://amzn.to/1YuQhQx Amazon UK http://bit.ly/ANCHORUK Amazon CA http://bit.ly/ANCHORCA Amazon AU http://bit.ly/ANCHORAU iTunes http://bit.ly/ANCHORITUNES B&N Nook http://bit.ly/AnchorNook Kobo http://bit.ly/ANCHORKOBO About the Author M. Mabie lives in Illinois with her husband. She writes unconventional love stories and tries to embody "real-life romance."
She cares about politics, but will not discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne's World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. She has always been a writer. In fact, she was born with a pen in her hand, which almost never happens. Almost. M. Mabie usually doesn't speak in third-person. She promises. Amazon Author page → http://www.amazon.com/M.-Mabie/e/B00JG5A6D6 Goodreads Author Page → https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7420449.M_Mabie Newsletter → http://goo.gl/forms/917BIwS57v Website→ mmabie.com Facebook → facebook.com/AuthorMMabie ...and pretty much everywhere you can be on social media.
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