We all make them. But when is a mistake too big to forgive? What happens when the consequences of our mistakes are so disastrous, they cause excruciating pain to everyone we hold near and dear? San Francisco's Dr. Morgan Drake makes one mistake. One colossal mistake that could cost him everything and everyone he loves—including himself. When interior designer, Zoë Drake sees small changes in her husband her investigations point to a mammoth problem. The happy marriage and great relationship they share quickly begins to evaporate. What’s worse—it’s all happening when Zoë’s going through some changes of her own—at a time when she might need Morgan the most. With a husband who is at times completely absent, a child who increasingly blames himself for his parents’ issues, and a cryptic call that introduces the element of danger and fear, Zoë will soon realize that there is a painful side of love. As their world falls apart will there be anything that can secure their bond, or will this chapter of their lives come to a catastrophic end? The Painful Side of Love is a follow-up novella to Rebecca Rohman’s romantic suspense novel, Love M.D. If you like romance with a tad of steam, a huge injection of suspense and being taken on a roller-coaster of emotions, then this novella is for you. 4 Star Review by Ashley
It's no secret that I am a HUGE fan of Rebecca Rohamn. I've read everything she has written. And I absolutely love that she's been giving me more of my favorite couples...after their supposed happily ever after. Because life is anything but easy and Zoë and Morgan are reminded of that lesson in a major way in The Painful Side of Love.
There was a lot, a lot, a lot happening for the Drake's. Things were coming from them at all sides. Situations that were out of their control were puling Zoë and Morgan apart when they should've shoved them closer together. With one jaw dropping twist and heart stopping turn after another, the tension was high. And it only grew as Adrian, their sons, life was being effected by all that was going on. Rebecca Rohman has once again proved that no one does romance with a dash of suspense quite like her. What a roller coaster ride The Painful Side of Love was. It took me down, sideways, up, around and around and only continued to pick up speed as it went along. This addition to Zoë and Morgan's story solidified the power of love. About the Author
Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.
About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released three additional novels and two novellas. A follow-up novella to her third book-Love M.D. named The Painful Side of Love was released in April 2017. AUTHOR LINKS: Website : http://www.rebeccarohman.com/ Blog:http://rebeccarohman.wordpress.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RebeccaRohman1 Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/RebeccaRohmansClubhouse Book Review Team: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RebeccaRohmanBookReviewTeam Twitter: https://twitter.com/RebeccaRohman1 Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/6938770.Rebecca_Rohman BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/rebecca-rohman Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/rebeccarohman5/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RebeccaRohman Google+ https://plus.google.com/b/106696694229394729198/+RebeccaRohman
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