Title: Catching Kate (Acceptance, #1.5) Author: D. Kelly Release Date: July 7, 2014 Genre: Contemporary Romance Synopsis After almost four years, Michael Matthews has come face to face with the love of his life. To say it didn’t go quite as he envisioned is an understatement. Never in a million years would he have imagined that his best friend, Daniel, is the new man in Kate’s life.Once their explosive evening concludes and everyone goes their separate ways, Mike takes the time to calm down and plan his next move. If there’s one thing that calms him it’s Kate, even if it’s just memories of her. Mike has four hours before he sees her again and gets to plead his case. Instead of sleeping, he spends his evening remembering every detail of their relationship from the beginning. Experience Mike and Kate’s love story from the start, all from Mike’s point of view. Find out why he left Kate in pieces and learn just how far he’ll go to make her fall in love with him all over again. Excerpt “Jessica, I…I’m sorry. There’s so much I want to say to you but it all seems insignificant somehow right now.” She sniffs and wipes her nose with the tissue, finally looking me in the eye for the first time. Instead of the anger that was there a few hours ago, her eyes are filled with utter sadness. “Michael, I honestly don’t know what to say to you. I’ve missed you and I’m pissed at you and I’m so fucking relieved to see you. I’ve been so worried about you, wondering if you were ever going to come back to us. Did you ever think about us? About Kate? About me?” “Every single day, Jess, and every single night. I just wasn’t ready to face her, or you. How do you single handedly shatter your very own existence and then come back and try to piece it back together? When I destroyed my life I broke her trust, I broke your trust, and I don’t know if I can ever get it back. But it’s the one thing I want more than anything in this world.” “He loves her, Mike, with his whole heart.” Her voice catches when she says that, almost like it tears her up to have to tell me. I understand the feeling completely because my voice probably sounds the same when I answer her. “I know he does. Does she love him?” I ask the question that I never want to know the answer to.Breaking Kate (Acceptance, #1) Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N Paperback | Goodreads About the Author I'm a wife, a mom and a dog lover. I'm also a taxi, problem fixer, extreme multi-tasker and my kids’ biggest fan in anything that they do. I love to write, so when my career suddenly derailed I turned back to my love of writing. I married my high school sweetheart... how cool is that? Margaritas and sarcasm make me happy. Chocolate makes that happiness grow exponentially. People who make me laugh are my favorite kind of people. I believe Karma is a bitch who slaps back hard and that mean people suck. I'm California born and raised, I love the beach but hate the sand. The Acceptance Series is my first series of books with more to come soon.Facebook | Goodreads | Website | Twitter Giveaway! Review by Brittany This is a novella, book 1.5 in the Acceptance series by D. Kelly. I advise you to read book one before reading this review and before reading Chasing Kate. In book one, Breaking Kate, Katherine Grace Moore is struggling with the breakup from her almost fiance, Michael. The way and the reason that the relationship was broken off is one that made me hate this guy. Katherine becomes Kate, and finally finds a man, three years later, who can make her happy. This guy, Daniel, just happens to be Michael's friend... but shh! Nobody here knows that. When Michael realizes that his two best friends, Daniel and Connor, are dating his two best friends from his previous “life”, shiz hits the fan. Michael is in a sticky situation here. Does he allow Katherine to be happy with Daniel or does he say “screw it” and try to get her back? Now that you have the basic gist of book one, let me tell you about book one and a half. This novella is a quick read that is entirely in Michael's point of view. We begin when he is seven, when his family moves AGAIN. Scared that he is never going to make friends again, he meets Katie Grace and Jessica. These three instantly connect and are best friends. We watch these three grow up, two of them fall in love, and their relationship crumble. We watch as Michael becomes Mike. We watch him self-destruct. He drinks, he f**ks, he avoids. We really get to know who Michael is. It's definitely an insight into not just Mike himself, but his relationship with Katherine. This book will help you understand more about why these two have hurt so long. If you've read Breaking Kate, I strongly urge you to read this one too. I am team Daniel, forever, and if you are too, you might change your mind after reading this. I didn't, nothing can change my mind. But like I said, this gives the reader an in depth look into the lives of Katherine and Michael. I could definitely feel the emotion coming through the pages of this one, and that's always a plus when reading a short book. I really felt the pain that Michael felt and I absolutely love connecting with characters on a level like that. Five stars for Chasing Kate by D. Kelly. I am now anxiously, not-so-patiently, bite-your-head-off, give-me-more, I-have-to-know-who-she-chooses, waiting for the next book, Releasing Kate. It may be a while, though, as our dear author is going through surgery soon. So, I must make do with teasers and bugging her until the book releases.
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