Okay, so you've probably been on Facebook in the past couple hours and have seen people talking about a blogger blackout. Well, let me educate you, for those that have not heard what it is and why this is happening. About a week or two ago, there was an article posted on the Guardian written by an author. This author, Kathleen Hale, reported that, even though warned not to, read her reviews on Goodreads for her book, and they were not good at all. One review, a one star, stood out to her, and she decided she wanted to get in touch with this reviewer to learn more about why she wrote this review. Throughout all her digging, she claims that she realized that this reviewer wasn't a twenty-something public school teacher, but a forty-something (cannot think of the job she said she had right now...). Hale even had the gall to show up at this bloggers house... but she didn't confront her. She just dropped a book on her doorstep and ran. Hale even claims she had been in contact with Nev from MTV's show Catfish. I'll give you the link to the article so that you can read it and see all the holes she has in this story. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/oct/18/am-i-being-catfished-an-author-confronts-her-number-one-online-critic Now, that right there, that is the reason why some blogs are deciding not to post for anything for any author for an undetermined about of time.
Because of one person. One author. Because one author messed up and took it too far, there are blogs that want to punish everybody in the reading community. Can you see the problem with that? I honestly cannot see how this can be perceived as an okay thing by anybody. You're hurting the bloggers. You're hurting the authors. You're hurting the readers. Because of ONE PERSON. Bad reviews are never fun to write as a blogger. For me, I personally do not write bad reviews. I kindly tell the author that I cannot review it and then feel bad for the rest of the day because I hate hurting people's feelings. I hate having to tell someone that something they worked so hard on wasn't any good to me. But bad reviews are unavoidable. Goodreads bullies are unavoidable. Yeah, it probably hurts every author every time they read a bad review, and I am in no way justifying the actions of Kathleen Hale, but there is a fine line between giving a constructive bad review and a bad review that is basically bullying. But that's not the point here. The point is that these bloggers, who I will not associate with in any way if they are taking part in this, are hurting the reading community. Book bloggers do what they do for free. Most of us, anyways. We do this because we want to let readers know what we enjoyed and hope that we can share the experiences we had while reading. You've all felt that moment, the one where you're overcome with emotion and you cannot turn the pages fast enough. That's what we want to share with every reader that follows our blog. We want to let them know when one of our favorite books are on sale or when we just read this fantastic must-have book. Some authors do this for a living. They slave over their computer, writing the perfect story, hoping that readers will enjoy it. Writing is tough, it really is. It takes a lot of work and often times, the story ends up differently that how the author wrote it. And authors, especially self-published authors, do not make a lot of money. They rely on us, the bloggers, to promote them. That's why we're here. So why, as a book blogger, would you do the total opposite of why you started your blog? Why punish the people that have worked day and night putting together the story they'll always cherish? They weren't the one author that stalked that one blogger. They didn't write that article claiming they were catfished. Here's my deal, and I know a lot of you readers and bloggers probably feel the same way. The actions of one should not punish the many. It was one person. ONE. UNO. 1. So why punish the hundreds of others that work so tirelessly? Please pardon my language, but I want to make sure I get my point across. These bloggers that are taking part in this blackout are terrible. You are doing nothing more than making your blog look bad. No author will want to support you if you don't support them. It's a three-way street here. Authors help bloggers who help readers. Bloggers help authors who help readers. It's a freaking circle people. So, if you're a blogger and you're taking part in this blackout, unfriend me. Stop following my blog and put your blog name down in the comments so that I can unfollow you. I promise I will not publicly share that with anyone, this is just for me. This bullshit blackout, I am against it. I will not punish those that did nothing wrong because one person did something stupid. I will always help authors, even if I didn't like their book, I will help them. I am a blogger. I support Indie Authors. One Book at a Time.
Well said! I didn't know about the blackout until I read your post. But, you said it right-we all need each other here! Bloggers are here for and because of the authors. I like to support the indie authors (personally) because some of them are the best books I've ever read and are they are better authors than some of the high paid ones. I want to help get the word out to readers about a book I just finished and am excited to share!Well said, Brittany, well said!
10/27/2014 10:35:22 am
Well said. That was my point exactly. Do not punish the majority because of the minority. I really think the person who started all this is trying to draw an audience for her blog. What better way than to start drama? I will pass on your blog in my posts. I will give you credit. I just think you covered everything.
Heather Stanley
10/27/2014 11:33:42 am
Perfectly put!!! I will not punish all the authors I love and help because of one nutty person!!
Lisa Roth
10/27/2014 01:14:09 pm
Amen!! Its a shame that certain bloggers are going to punish everyone because of the crazy actions of 1!! Kudos to you Brittany for doing what you believe in and doing what is right!! You go girl!
Tracey Quintin
10/28/2014 12:06:06 am
I did not know of the blackout until I read your post, then read above.
10/28/2014 05:42:55 am
I agree this is taking this too far.. Over ONE person... over how many years? This is not going to do nothing but hurt the blogs and the authors that have done nothing.. those blogs that do this black out I will unfriend on facebook and think everybody else should also.
JD Chase
10/28/2014 07:06:21 am
Bless you!!! And thank you :-)
10/28/2014 09:36:48 am
I am not a blogger however I am a reviewer. I have to disagree with you . some of the things you say yes are true and I agree. However I don't blame this author for what she did. This author learned the lady lied about everything and was criticizing her and it wasn't even who she said she was. There is a lot of sick people out their authors bloggers and reviewed waiting to ruin a career just for the heck of it. Its been done look at the trolls. I have been a victim of an author bullying me because I old her my honest opinion. I was in her beta team street team huge supporter. But when I said I didn't like her last book and it wasn't going to sale. I was right I hate being right. So what gave her the right to send her street team after me etc. People are cruel its not only the author but bloggers and street teams. So I would totally support this blackout for both sides author or reviewer.
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