![]() Hunches, horse races, and heartbreak Ten years after Simone Payton broke his heart, all Roscoe Winston wants is a doughnut. He’d also like to forget her entirely, but that’s never going to happen. Roscoe Winston remembers everything—every look, every word, every single unrequited second—and the last thing he needs is another memory of Simone. Unfortunately, after one chance encounter, Simone keeps popping up everywhere he happens to be . . . Ten years after Roscoe Winston dropped out of her life, all Simone Payton wants is to exploit him. She’d also like some answers from her former best friend about why he ghosted her, but if she never gets those answers, that’s a-okay. Simone let go of the past a long time ago. Seriously, she has. She totally, totally has. She is definitely not still thinking about Roscoe. Nope. She’s more than happy to forget he exists. But first, she needs just one teeny-tiny favor . . . Dr. Strange Beard is a full-length romantic comedy novel, can be read as a stand-alone, and is the fifth book in the USA TODAY bestselling Winston Brothers series. 5 Star Review by Ashley This book. I'm still holding one hand to my chest and one to my cheek because it was incredible. Emotional. Funny. Random. Intense. While this is Roscoe's story, the whole Winston gang makes an appearance. I love how different all the Winston's are. Yet how when it matters they rally. But back to Roscoe. I loved the big guy. He was such a gentle yet broody guy. A lot of his broodiness had to do with his memory. It was unusually excellent. He could remember the smallest detail. He avoided most people, stuck to animals and his family. And when it came to Simone, his memory was a mixed bag for him. The two childhood best friends had a lot of history and a lot of pain between them. And as much as Roscoe didn't want the bad memories, they were there. But Simone made it her mission to give him new ones. Ones he wouldn't mind recounting word for word, feel for feel. If I loved Roscoe, I'm not sure what word ups that ante for Simone. She was an absolute rock star. I liked her intelligence, her weirdness, her dedication to her job and family, and her internal dialogue. Her random thoughts had me chuckling more than a handful of times. But what I adored the most was how hard she worked for her friendship with Roscoe. How she was relentless in her questioning and stalking. And when she realized that she loved the guy...and made him a priority- just sigh. Simone was in an impossible position and the way she beat herself up for it, endeared her to me even more. And amidst all the emotional happiness and swirling confusion, there was the mounting pressure of Darrell's request and the fast approaching 'deadline'. Talk about a whirlwind. There was a whole heck of a lot happening here and as it all came to a head, my heart was racing and breaking at the same time. Hats off, victory lap around the track, high five and a gold star for Penny Reid. She tackled some hot button issues with class and grace in Dr. Strange Beard. In a way that made me stop and think. And say "YES! THIS!". I honestly can't remember the last time I read a book that was so well rounded and satisfying. And that it was Roscoe, the baby of the Winston bunch just made it that much better. About the Author ![]() Penny Reid is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Winston Brothers and Knitting in the City series. She used to spend her days writing federal grant proposals as a biomedical researcher, but now she just writes books. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja. AUTHOR LINKS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PennyReidWriter/ Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lakzsD Twitter: @ReidRomance Mailing List: http://pennyreid.ninja/newsletter/ Website: www.pennyreid.ninja
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