![]() A (brokenhearted) physicist. Now an infamous (who is LITERALLY EVERYWHERE!! UGH!) musician. The worst has already happened. Mona has learned that she has nothing figured out and plans are meaningless. After leaving her in Aspen, Abram is now breaking sales-records, rising to rock star fame almost overnight. Mona can’t seem to escape him. He is literally everywhere, or at least images of him are. Just when she thinks things can't get any more confusing, Abram returns...What happens next? Only TIME will tell. 4 Heart Review by Ashley This! This is what I've been waiting for since I started and fell head over feet in love with Abram and Mona. That's not to say that Penny Reid made it easy on them- oh no. The rollercoaster of missed moments continues in epic fashion. But it was all about the love here. The good days. The hard days. The lonely days. The communication. The connection. Sharing hopes and dreams and thoughts and fears. Working though all the time they missed. Balancing schedules that drew them in opposite directions. Different parts of the globe. Learning to navigate a relationship. Mending fences. Making plans for the future. I LOVED how Abram stood up for Mona. How he put her first even with his beyond hectic schedule. Hoe he taught her to see her worth though his eyes. And how Mona returned the favor when he needed her most. She saw the man with the tender heart, the man behind the lyrics. And that ending- swoon city. Time is the perfect conclusion to this wonderfully original series and exactly what these two needed and deserved. About the Author ![]() Penny Reid is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers, Knitting in the City, Rugby, and Hypothesis series. She used to spend her days writing federal grant proposals as a biomedical researcher, but now she just writes books. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja. AUTHOR LINKS Facebook: http://bit.ly/2AXQQxj GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2sCQ1pi Instagram: http://bit.ly/2W67eow BookBub: http://bit.ly/2U3dKdW Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lakzsD Twitter: http://bit.ly/2FDLziw Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2sDBr0u Mailing list: http://bit.ly/2szN34G Website: www.pennyreid.ninja
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